Monday, April 5, 2010

Trolling For Compliments

Recently I went on what they kids are calling the youtube and decided to look us up. Now this may seem very self-centered, and yeah it is, but it's also kind of fun, it's like watching old home movies...But I digress, this is not the point of this post, here is the point:

Ouch, sick burns bros.

Now many would view comments like this as a negative, they might even let it hurt their feelings, but I see this as the exact opposite. There are at least three people out their who passionately hate my band, hate it so much they decided to take what free time they have out of their busy workaday lives to tell people how much they hate my band. THAT RULES.

Passively hating something is so easy and takes no effort what-so-ever, you just ignore it, but to actively hate something, to truly be against it you feel the world NEEDS to know, that takes effort, dedication, and a true passion of spirit. It also means you had to pay attention to my band in the first place. Suckers.

For the record, we've never played a middle school.

Bring the hate.



EXTREME THANKS to Amanda and Mike for putting on the youtube to begin with, the only thing cooler then people who hate my band are people who actually like it. Seriously, you dudes (well, technically a dude and a dudette, but I like to use the all encompassing "dude") rule.

1 comment:

amis said...

silly silly haters.
i always love the ones that hate such-and-such so much that they have to go through every video/photo/whatever and profess their hate. such dedication.

also, extreme you're welcome!
i wish i had more videos that weren't such icky quality, but i mean, it's hard to have a perfect video and properly enjoy the show at the same time.