Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sound the Trumpets! (Figuratively Speaking)

Hey All!

This is Geoffery, the (fairly) new trombonist for Half Past Two! Thought I'd take some time out of my busy, hectic, over scheduled, manic, depressing, callous, shallow (and from the look of the list, slightly melodramatic) life to update you on the status of our horn section and throw in some tid bits about myself.

My name is Geoffery Danger(lie) Munger and I am 6'9" (lie) blonde hair (double lie) and live in the moment, not Orange County based on popular belief (pretentious lie). When i'm not rocking on my t-bone I enjoy long walks on the beach, puppy dogs and the letter Q. ;)


We've just brought on a new saxophonist fresh off the Skarm (too big of a ska-ism stretch?) from the Guilty Parties. His name is John and will be rocking with us on stage quite soon! Our other sax player has been around for a while and most of you should be well acquainted (or should start acquainting ASAP) with Bhakti AKA Doc Bhak. These guys will be heading up our saxophone section. I bring up the bottom of the voices (when the Bari isn't being played) on the trombone and hopefully soon you guys will be seeing me on the keys well.

Which brings me to the biggest reason why I am blogging...OUR SHOW!

July 30th...BE THERE!!!

It's going to be fantastic to say the least. We are opening for THE SLACKERS, one of the biggest and most respected names out on the ska scene. It's their 20th anniversary tour and it's guaranteed to be a mind blower. We are dishing out a couple of new songs just for the occasion as well!

I have been hard at work transcribing all of our old, new and obscure songs onto sheet music to make the lives of horn players a bit easier (especially since we're all fairly new!). So you would be doing me a HUGE favor by coming to our show and listening to our stuff! Especially considering ALL the hard work I've been putting into the horn parts. *

So again JULY 30th. We ARE selling tickets and we want YOU there!!!

Until Next Time,

-Geoffery D. (lie) Munger

*Yes, that whole sch peel was to guilt you into going to our show.

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