Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Work Blogging

Greetings from the afterlife.

If you watched Dave's video blog, you know that I'm unfotunately deceased.

Turns out the Egyptians were right. Good thing they buried me with a Double Double from in-n-out. You really work up an appetite travelling all the way to the other side.

You know, it's kind of weird....HP2 members seem to be dying a lot these days. Luckily Dave has 9 lives and was able to come back to life after both the tragic shark attack and the car accident. I'm still waiting for someone to summon me back to life, it doesn't just happen automaticaly for me. Shux.

Before I continue I just want to give a big giant THANK YOU out to all of you who came to the show on Saturday. It was so much fun and we really appreciate everyone's support, it helps us stay motivated to keep this party ska train going.

Anywho, I'm at work right now...somehow, despite being dead. It's slow today/boring. I guess people aren't in the mood for smoothies on cloudy days. You know what would be really awesome? If someone came to visit me at the Robeks in Fullerton! Then perhaps I wouldn't have to stand around watching the clock slowly tick.

Oh shoot, my break is over....I guess I won't be able to continue writing about nothing....

Well I have something really awesome to put on here, once I'm finished making it, so stay tuned....


it's rad.


Lindsey Smith

Expert Smoothie Maker

Robeks Juice

Fullerton, CA

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