Things are running on turbo right now in the life of your favorite bassist: I'm finalizing paperwork for my very first teaching position at a middle school, I just played my last show with my other band Time to Renew, and I've been fervently trying to learn and perfect a set worth of Chase Long Beach songs as I fill in for them this Thursday at the House of Blues Sunset Strip. So needless to say the blog felt my neglect.
Let's see though news time... we're gearing up for our Bella Terra gig and should have a whole host of covers to go with our originals for our three sets we'll be performing on August 28th. Oh and speaking of music, many of you missed out on a fun show last week when Dave, Lindsey and myself saw the Ataris at Chain Reaction. There were no Sharkbot sightings and Chris Rowe looms like Alton Brown when he wears his glasses.
Anyway, this was the worst blog ever so I'm out.
- Anthony
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