Friday, July 30, 2010

Hp2 Blog: Beach Style!

Anthony here with your promised weekly update (of course Tyler already updated, but mine is here regardless!). I'm blogging from my phone with no spell check and auto correct so expect typos!

So the news for today is as follows in this surely shot blog:
We finally almost maybe know what time we're here tomorrow at the OC fair! If you come out and see us tomorrow remember that we're playing in the action sports arena and the show starts at 6pm. Seating is first come, first serve so make sure you get there early! The loser you are to the stage, the closer you get to be to the amazing Bhakti as he plays the trombone, as well as two saxophones at once!

I'm personally looking forward to playing at the OC fair this year because I feel like an honorary member of Orange County! I drive out here from Riverside a couple times a week (or every other day, as is the case this past week) and really enjoy my time here.

Speaking of OC and me being here all the time, I came out to the practice studio last night for a stellar session with the Tyler Mooreless Half Past Two (more on that soon!) and then promptly followed that with quite possibly my last show with my other band Time to Renew. Thanks again to Dave and Lindsey for doubling the crowd size at the Blue Cafe last night! And today I spend my day taking in the sun and boogie boarding at seal beach with my family! I love this place!

Okay, so now on to Tyler Moore news! Don't worry, he's still in the band, but to his allergies to funnel cake, deep fried foods and fun in general (also his deep seeded fear of large crowds of happy people enjoying themselves) Tyler will be spending his saturday playing Magic The Gathering in a dark corner by his lonesome and listening to the blackest of fantasy metal.

So in the interest of finishing this blog so I can join the rest of my family in the sand and get to boogeying I'm signing out! Peace!

- Anthony

Ps holy crap i just dunno that's been bloodiness whole time using my voice
Pps the voice recognition isn't that great

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8

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