Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Half Past Two Tree

Hi Internets,

While I normally like to include some sort of visual or video with my blog posts, my topic for today is so old that it predates YouTube presence. I'm going to cover the roots of the current Half Past Two, or HP2.0 for short.

Actually, I think we're on HP2.1 by now.

Half Past Two exists solely because of an ill-fated third wave band from Los Alamitos, CA called Free Jeff. Country Dave and HP1.99 bass player Giant Alex played in a group called Bovine whose sole existence was to cover Blues Brothers tunes. Country Dave combined his original songwriting prowess with an entity known only as Doug Carter, and their love child was known as the previously mentioned Free Jeff. That's where I entered the picture. Country Dave still claims to this day that he doesn't know how to play the "tall" notes on the guitar (I continuously need to remind them that they are 'high' not 'tall') and brought me in on lead guitar.

High school ended and the seeds of Free Jeff were scattered to the winds. Doug started a Shakespeare tribute band called John-A-Dreams, whose achievements included playing at the Next Generation Remix 2007 concert at the Japanese American Cultural & Center (日米文化会館 for short...or JACCC) along with J-Pop sensation Rusika. The drummer, Kevin Ferguson later went on to found the Friendship Hurricane Society and also collaborates on occasion with Paker Koo Ito. Alex formed The Monkey Wrench Collective as a mother's day present while in Santa Cruz and played bass in the previous version of HP2.

Your writer (Tyler) pretended he was metal for a couple years, foolishly bought some camouflage shorts and started a metalcore band. The results can be found here:

This footnote in the history of Half Past Two gets a separate paragraph because it is where Tyler started playing music with Curtis. Curtis is also a member of hotdog enthusiasts Links and has previously played with Jebel and The Scarlet Letter, among others.

Billy has played with a myriad of other groups, but I'll leave that list for him to post. Half Past Two is actually Tara's first band, but she keeps claiming to leave us for a side project called "The Love Handles" with her bff Tess. We're kinda scared.

In conclusion,

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