Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Alex is obviously up to no good.  He sits at a crossroads between two worlds: one of rhythmic noise making and the other of...arhythmic noise making.  I heard a jackhammer on Monday and it made me think of blast beats, although I thought blast beats were supposed to emulate the sound of a machine gun.  Kinda like the way a Rockabilly shuffle emulates a hot rod engine.  Art imitating life.

Speaking of which, Alex is imitating a fool in this picture.  Highly convincing, wouldn't you agree?  I'm posting it on the first day of April, although this picture was taken on the third weekend of March.  Since March has now passed, our top lips are now barren and the mustaches are gone.  I look forward to eating ribs and watermellon once again.

In conclusion, tools is tools and drums is drums, and never the twain shall meet.

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