Friday, December 19, 2008

Album Blog 11: We're Done! (Sort Of)

Hello ladies and gents,
please give us a round of applause because we are officially finished recording our full-length album!! Now, we did say 'sort of' in the title and I'll tell you why. It is true that we are done recording but, unfortunately, the album is still a long ways off from getting into your hot little hands. First it has to be mixed (which is happening right now as we speak), then it has to be mastered, and then it has to be physically produced!

The good news for you guys is, we're considering a few options for releasing the album on the internet before the physical CD arrives which will let you guys own it about a month before those who wait for the physical CD...isn't that awesome!!!

Stay tuned as we continue to post videos of us recording in the coming weeks!

Half Past Two

PS: See you at JavaSkalidays tomorrow!!

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