Saturday, November 29, 2008

Album Blog 8: Days Eight and Nine - Horns and Vocals

Hello hello,

yesterday Max left the camera at the studio so there were no pictures to upload or put into a handy slideshow but they're here today!

The last two days were mostly devoted to horns and vocals. Yesterday, Tyler started off the day with a little bit of guitar stuff but after that it was all horns and vocals. Between yesterday and today we got all of the horns done (even solos) and big chunk of vocals. We only have to do lead vocals for one more song and then all our harmonies. Oh yeah and we still have to do keys and some guitar solos as well. Tomorrow is our last scheduled day but we'll be going in a few more times to finish everything up.

Everything's sounding great and there should be a new video up tomorrow or Monday that shows you guys all the work we did recording guitars (and then later there'll be videos for horns, vocals, and keys...sound good? Great).

Half Past Two

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