These are my beautiful friends, Jamie and Megan. I got to work with both of them today! I asked them if they wanted to be a part of my blog and... and here they are! Work is so much better when you get to be with people you get along with. SOOOOO much better.
I went to Subway for lunch today where I saw a "large" man with his fly down. I was so sad for him! He was one of those religious missionary guys that stand on the sidewalk and ask for money. They always look like sick, homeless men, so everyone just walks right by them. But I started thinking about how his pants zipper had probably been down for hours and no one had told him. How could he ask for peoples' donations with undone pants?? Greg thought I was being silly for wanting to tell him to examine his zipper, but I really hoped that someone would tell me if I was in that situation! So I told him. He was really grateful and I felt really good about it. DO NICE THINGS FOR STRANGERS! Seriously :)
Help me name my goldfish! He needs a name really bad. Ok I'm off to band practice! Rant over :)