Friday, June 26, 2009

The Lab. Jam #1.

I was accused of having too much free time. My response is this video of Tyler and Alex goofing off with my second rate gear in "The Lab".
*non primary axes + Drum Samples + Ewi = chillin.

Monday, June 22, 2009

no talkie... boo...

so fixing my voice is prooving to be a task more difficult than i could have imagined. i visited my doctor, who referred me to a specialist, who discovered nodules on my cords, which lead me to to finding a voice coach. she told me to take two weeks of vocal rest where i dont talk AT ALL for two weeks. well, thats impossible!! #1 i have to go to work, #2 IM A TALKAHOLIC!! grrrrrr... i will keep singing though. instead i have to talk as little as possible, do vocal exercise once a day, regularly go to voice lessons and other things for my voice and throat like not eatting before bed, steaming my throat, not drinking alcohol late at night, etc.

its all for you :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ok, ive calmed down. i love to assume things and i jump to conclusions before i know all of the facts, my boyfriend made me realize. so what now? that is drama for another day.

and now for a video that makes me smile EVERYTIME!! i dance around my house in my underwear to this song... imagine that.

Beatle Mania!

For those against Rock Band...........

For those that dig Rock Band..............

For those who are apathetic...........

You get the idea. Surfing can be fun, I just wish I was at the waves. Heres a another Beatle's related video I dig:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009

mean thoughts, cheap shots

i guess the 5/9th's of this band couldn't change my personal blog password, i bet that makes them angry or at least itchy. i guess you guys will have to think up one other way to ostracize your fellow bandmates to keep the subuniverse in which you're living, balanced. don't worry, im sure you'll think of something and then chaos will be restored again, to you delights.

i bet fans would love to know what is going on in halfpasttwoland. but hey, i dont even get to know, so im sorry, boys and girls, you too get to be locked in this dark room, but we can sing songs together! sometimes the dark, is the best place. even the dark hides the ugly truth, and it can keep everyone from seeing the expression on my face. ive actually adopted a few expressions; i've gotten really good at rolling my eyes.

quick! someone make up something asinine that we can all vote on!!! when band practice became a game of Risk (brought to you by Parker Brothers), i begrudgingly checked out. "who's side are you on?" that would be playing into the dogma.

anyway, i think everyone is being stupid. including me for writing this blog but since we're treating this like we're a boys club and not a band, then i guess all conventional rules and maturity are out the window. nee ner nee ner.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Detox from the Bhak....with this!

Its Been a week...

No one's posted anything all week. If I had important words to write then you wouldn't have to suffer. Too bad for you:

"The future influences the present just as much as the past." -Nietzsche
Jean Paul Sartre would counter with some thing like, Whatever I will be doesn't change who I am (right now) until I do something about it.

The Doc wants to be a person with a cold beverage in hand. Time to give such existance essence.

-(Good Morning INTERNET 2.0 want to see/hear/read something good? Tell me about it. Really.)-

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Due to inquiry, its not just on any more...

(Remember that the cd release photos are during "Mustache March". Ha!)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Grounding the Flying Toasters

I hope David Parris is coming up with all sorts of zany song ideas in Garage Band right now.

This is not one of them: