Tuesday, September 23, 2008


JavaSka September was another success.  Much thanks goes out to Sketchy Styles and our good friends in The Pocketeers for making it happen and props go out to Skamikaze, who played guerilla style in the parking lot after the show.  It takes a lot to out DIY a free ska show, but you managed to pull it off by "booking" yourself.  Acoustic guitars, my friends, are a viable weapon.  Plus, they wrote a song about Tara.  How can you not love that?

And here she is, in her JavaSka pose with Sketchy Styles in the background.  Chunky jewelry, never leave home without it.

I'd like to introduce everyone to our new bass player Alex.

He's not cool enough to pose with bands in the background, but he does love to roll around on the floor.  Alex is into bikes, suffers from an acute case of Gigantism, has the world's only gold iPhone (spray paint DIY eff tee dub) and will be assured a position as Road Specialist Lvl 2 if the ZomBass ever returns from Valhalla.

In other band related news, we just booked time in November with Aaron Barrett and Dave Irish at Music Inc. Studios in Orange.  Aaron has his own Wikipedia entry.  Apparently he is famous in some circles.

As for me, I'm going to be in Japan in less than two weeks.  Maybe I'll be nice and track down some Skapara vinyl for Dave.  Or maybe I'll spend all my time eating and convincing Maria Ozawa to marry me.  OR MAYBE BOTH!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Doesn't this make you want to roll your eyes??

these girls are actually popular!! who listens/buys this crap??

Friday, September 19, 2008


im kinda angry...

Monday, September 15, 2008

QBonkers, Norway, Chili, Boys

qbonkers was a lot of fun. they had root beer floats at the bar, AND PHOTOHUNT!! what an experience :)

everyday now stegan (0r martin) from no torso (www.myspace.com/notorsoska) tries to talk me into visiting norway. I TOTALLY AGREE; i want to go to norway so badly :( but its so expensive. molly and i decided that realistically we would probably go in the spring; we'll have money by then and also all of the nordic snow will have melted. but no. stegan and eivind insist upon december. but snow?? snow EVERYWHERE?? im almost too scared to go in the winter, simply because of the snow factor. has anyone ever been in so much snow?? whats it like??

i think really i just need to talk molly into it. i think i could handle the snow. a few drinks later, im sure i wouldnt even be cold!! and then, december is so close... how much money will i even need?? i guess we'll have to wait and see.

hey! you missed out on a great chili cook off at the frazier's house. im craving ian's chili, it was SO GOOD. it won you know... i called it.

oh my life!! boys. ive been boy crazy since i was 5 or 6 years old... i am just as boy crazy... still.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sea World

I went to Sea World yesterday. Here's a couple videos I took. The first is of a walrus that kept sucking in a fish and then regurgitating it over and over again. The second one features a sea lion trying to look at some fish and me blocking it's view. I like to think I'm dancing with him.

Busy Lately

there seems to be no time as of late. there are so many shows, its making my head spin. i think i see everyone in the band more often than i see my own family :) i guess, ska now, sleep when im dead!! lol.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Ska Parade Party a la Tara

who went?! oh man... i had sooooooooooooo much fun!! from the time i got there until the time i left, i saw/met so many amazing people!! if you were there, thanks for making it such a grandiose evening.

does anyone have any pictures?? i wanna see them!!

p.s. i think i have a crush on someone... i THINK.

Saturday, September 6, 2008